First EITAM Study Day — Monday November 4th Analyzing/Studying Improvised Music

The organizing committee of EITAM 5 is pleased to announce the upcoming of the first edition of its EITAMStudy Day to be held on Monday, November 4th – the day prior to the beginning of the EITAM proper — from 9h45am to 5pm at the Music Department of the São Paulo State University at Campinas. 

In line with the congress’ central theme: “Contexts, means and transversalities in music analytical practices”, this first EITAM Study Daywill concentrate on:

“Analyzing/Studying Improvised Music” 

approaching this central topic from a variety of perspectives. While each will help underline the conceptual and methodological differences induced by the type of improvisational practice being studied, the day will also invite discussions on their “points of contact” and possible convergences.  

To this end, three outstanding specialists of the field will, through extended lectures/conferences, present concepts and methods related to different improvisational practices, together with some of their perspectives and results:  

Pq. Dr. Clément Canonne, researcher in musicology at IRCAM, France, will talk about the “cognition of collective (free) improvisation” (in English). 

Prof. Dr. Paulo José de Siqueira Tiné, performer, improviser and professor of music at UNICAMP will present“Uma discussão sobre pesquisas em interação na improvisação em música popular”

Prof. Dr. Sergio Kafejian, composer and professor of music at both FASM and USP will talk about “Determinação e Inderteminação:  O Espaço da Improvisação nas Obras Abertas”

Throughout the Study Day, ample time will be reserved for questions and discussions between the guest speakers and participants. Anyone wishing to submit questions or suggest topics of discussion prior to the event may do so by sending an e-mail at the address below. 

Although the event is free of charge, prior registration is required using the following form.

We recommend early registration, as the number of seats will be limited.
Full attendees will be granted certificates. 

Questions should be directed to: