The organizing and scientific committees of EITAM’s fifth edition would like to thank all the individuals and institutions that, through their participation and support, have made this event possible and contributed to its success!
Many thanks to all who congregated at UNICAMP’s Center of Conventions to present their work, whether orally or in the form of a poster (the proceedings can be found here) or just to listen and participate.
Many thanks also go to the keynote speakers and to the participants in the round and “transversal” tables. The videos can be consulted here (their order follows that of the program).
Last but not least, our gratitude goes to the institutions – on and off campus – that have granted us their support and to the students and personnel that have helped with the event’s realization.
We hope you to see you all in a next edition!
November 05, 06 and 07th 2019 at the UNICAMP Convention Center
Conference dinner
Wednesday, 6th November at 7PM.
Valise de Cronópio Restaurant
R. Francisco de Barros Filho, 426 – Barão Geraldo, Campinas – SP
All participants of EITAM 5 must fill this form.
The EITAM 5 program is available here.
Convention Center – CDC
Rua Elis Regina, 131, Cidade Universitária “Zeferino Vaz”, Barão Geraldo – Unicamp
Campinas – SP, Brasil.
First EITAM Study Day — Analyzing/Studying Improvised Music — will be held on Monday November 4th, at the Institute of Arts of UNICAMP, from 9:45am to 5pm.
The templates for proposals in English are available.
The 5th International Meeting of Music Theory and Analysis (EITAM 5) will be held for the first time at University of Campinas (UNICAMP) – Convention Center – CDC, on November 05, 06 and 07, 2019.
The theme of this edition will be “Contexts, means and transversalities in the analytical practices of music” and the submissions will be in the format of extended abstracts, with the possibility of oral communications or posters. More information will be available in a forthcoming call for submissions.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 15, 2019.