The Fifth International Meeting on Music Theory and Analysis, EITAM5, whose title is “Contexts, means and transversalities in the analytical practices of music” is a result of the cooperation between the post-graduation programs in music (PPGMUS) of UNICAMP, USP, UNESP and UFMG. The main goal of the meeting is to promote the research in theory and music analysis between the academic community.
In this edition, we focus on the intersections of different knowledges in music analysis and music theory. We aims to promote the transference of means, questions and arguments from one area to another.
An open dialogue between the elements of the available research corpus leads to a re-signification of the consolidated knowledge. Aware of this, the EITAM5 expects that:
- Strategies constructed from computer-assisted analysis to interact with historical research methods in analysis of primary sources;
- Research on voice-leading can dialogue with techniques that take into account multimodal environments;
- Baroque improvisation can be related to popular and free improvisation;
- The transference of analytical methods keep creation alive.
The Meeting will be held on November 5-7, 2019. There will be 5 conferences, 3 of them delivered by foreign guests and 2 by Brazilian guests; round tables formed by 3 important researchers; and oral communications (submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind process).
The proposals for oral presentations and posters should be submitted in the form of abstract. Approved submissions will be published in the Annals of EITAM5. At the end of the Meeting, the Scientific Committee will select the best 10 papers for a publication in a special issue of the Revista Música – USP.
We hope that our analytical intuition and musical creativity are in tune with our sense of innovation and openness to change!
Adriana Lopes Moreira
Scientific Coordinator of EITAM5
EITAM 5 Program
Monday 4th November
EITAM Study Day – “Studying/Analyzing Improvised Music”, see separate program here
Tuesday 5th November
8h50-9h45: Registration and coffee
9h45-10h10: Opening ceremony
10h10-11h10: “Transversal” table/panel: Analizing/Studing improvised music
Pq. Dr. Clément Canonne
Prof. Dr. Paulo José de Siqueira Tiné
Prof. Dr. Sergio Kafejian
Prof. Dr. Rogério Costa
IRCAM (France)
11h15-12h45 Keynote lecture: Prof. Dr. Damian Rodrigues Kees
(Universidad Nacional del Litoral Argentina)
Cuerpo y Sonido. Una revisita al gesto escénico en músicas recientes.
12h45-14h00 Lunch
14h00-15h00 “Transversal” table/panel: A análise como construção/reconstrução das suas representações
Profa. Dra. Carla Bromberg
Profa. Dra. Carole Gubernikof
Prof. Dr. Marcos Lacerda
Prof. Dr. Jônatas Manzolli
15h00-15h10 Book launch,
15:10-15:40 Coffee and poster presentation
15h40-17h20 Communications
18h30-19h30 Opening concert:Works by Dámian Rodriguês Kess with the composer’s participation and with the UNICAMP Percussion Group (GRUPU).
Wednesday 6th November
8h30-10h00 Communications
10h15-11h45 Keynote lecture: Prof. Dr. Ian Pace
(City University London)
In Defense of AIP (Analytically-Informed Performance): The Performance-Analysis Dialectic Revisited.
11h45-12h45 “Transversal” table/panel: O “Modelo da fala” na teoria e análise musical
Profa. Dra. Heloisa Valente
Prof. Dr. William Teixeira
Profa. Dra. Ledice Fernandes Weiss
12h45-13h50 Lunch
13h50-15h20 Keynote lecture: Prof Dr. Jean Marc Chouvel
(University Paris-Sorbonne, France – IReMus)
Musical Analysis and the Question of Representation
15h20-15h50 Coffee and poster presentation
15h50-17h40 Piano Recital (Auditórium do Instituto de Artes)
Prof. Dr.. Ian Pace, piano.
19h Get-together dinner. Valise de Cronópio Restaurant. Site
Thursday 7th November
8h30-10h00 Communications
10h10-11h10 Round table/panel: Legado pedagógico e teórico da Rítmica de J. E. Gramani
Profa. Dra. Glória Cunha
Prof. Dr. Leandro Barsalini
Prof. Dr. Luiz Henrique Fiaminghi
Profa. Dra. Adriana Lopes Moreira
11h15-12h45 Keynote lecture: Profa. Dra. Denise Hortencia Lopes Garcia
A análise e a composição: o que busca um compositor quando analisa uma obra
12h45-14h00 Lunch
14h00-15h00 Round-table/panel: The implications/application of the computer in music analysis and composition
Profa. Dra. Tatiana Catanzaro
Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Chouvel
Prof. Dr. José Henrique Padovani
Prof. Dr. Silvio Ferraz
15h00-15h40 Coffee and poster presentation
15h40-17h10 Keynote lecture: Pq. Dr. Clément Canonne
A Continuum of Improvisational Practices? Some More Thoughts on Improvisation
15h00-18h00 Piano Masterclass
Prof. Dr. Ian Pace (with students of Profs. Drs. Mauricy Martin e Alexandre Zamith)